Welcome to my Blog…

My name is Chris Peberdy, and as the name of my blog suggests I am a devoted herpetologist, AKA “reptile wrangler” based in Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australua. I maintain a large and well kept collection of reptiles including pythons, monitors, small crocodiles and venomous snakes, some ofwhich I breed. I am contracted to rescue herpetological wildlife from urban areas of Darwin and relocate them to suitable habitats for their continued survival.

The shy Banded Tree Snake or "Night Tiger" is nocturnal and prefers trees and limestome cave systems as its habitat.

This highly venomous Western Brown snake readies itself to strike.

Darwin and its surrounds are home to a very wide variety of herpetological fauna, much of which is nocturnal. My work can see me visiting all areas at all times of day and night to find and relocate these beautiful animals from roads, houses, schools, hospitals, pools and even toilets.

You can follow my weekly updates from the field here on my blog.

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Filed under Snakes, Wildlife Rescue